
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Lambeth Map

How do I go back to Owers Manor and Lambeth Asylum AFTER completing the game for hunting the collectibles which I missed during missions ? Map doesn't show those areas, (does it?) I couldn't find a way to go back to those locations. It is a shame cuz besides the collectibles, I liked those places for how good they rendered the environments so I was going to go back and take a look around, wander around aimlessly without much enemies and without the presure of mission because I want to.. lol Well, if anybody knows how to go back (without having to replay the missions from progress tracker menu) please let me know.
Also I would love to walk around as the ripper as free roam randomly terror the streets after I completed the game but nopes we don't have that choice too. (do we?)
(btw if I replay, and do nothing about the mission but only collect stuff and abort the memory, will I lose my full sync save for those missions?)

Assassin's Creed Syndicate World War 2 Map

couldn't find a thread for this one so here i go making a new one.
NO DO NOT TELL ME TO DELETE THE MAIN SAVE AGAIN. i did that months ago to play the main game all over again for the 2nd time. for fun. covid confinement yes! :>
but. today. i went into JTR DLC to try it all over again and? yup. everything is completed STILL from my 1st playthrough of the whole game and DLC years n years n years ago. and i do mean everything in JTR, well except for one Helix Glitch i can't figure out how to get and all the Treasure Chests. so. how do i 'turn back the clock' for my Jack the Ripper DLC and restart it from Zero?
no, there are no in-game options, i looked. in the main game it gave me the option to delete main save and i did and it asked me are you sure and i said ok. and main game went back to Zero all the way into the first intro cutscenes bla bla bla. you gotta exit main game, go into intro screens and select Jack the Ripper to open the DLC. i went through that today and looked for 'delete save' bla bla bla and nope, can't find one. let me guess... there's a save file somewhere on my PC JUST for JTR?
anyways, any help appreciated etcetera etcetera etcetera.
Mr. K

Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Jack the Ripper 100% Sync Guide A. You can go to any merchant in the free roam and buy their maps to display them in your map. Important Note: Few of the Chests and Helix Glitches are available in areas that are only reachable in the story's memories, you could either collect them while you are completing the.

CollectiblesAssassin 27s creed syndicate jack the ripper chests mapsAssassin
  1. If it shows up on your Bonus Content menu and you still can't see the icon on the map, try traveling to the viewpoint in Whitechapel, and look for a man in a grey coat and top hat standing next to a child in a blue jacket and a bowler hat standing just underneath the black fence with the WHITECHAPEL G.A. Sign over it, right under the viewpoint.
  2. The above map presents the whereabouts of chests hidden in Lambeth in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. They have been divided into regular ones, which are generally accessible, and the locked ones that you need lockpicking for.